Friday, May 14, 2010

news - nouvelles

Daily News Update 18th May 2010
Mise à jour 18 mai 2010


This is a vid from Freedom church that Jo goes to in Hereford freedom church
and some drama done by the church in a video freedom church drama
Johanan has started in th CBN tv offices, checked out the Freedom church and into the swing of things. Nothing new to report on Alison in Geneva and Melody's job-hunting at the mo. Alexi has managed to get a few tests of of the way - basketball, football, handball and swimming to go !
the worship together player is still here
with Chris Mcclarney "your love never fails", tim Hughes "give us your courage", Worship central "because of your love", Christy Nockels "healing is in your hands", Brenton Brown "adoration", Leeland "follow you", Matt Maher "alive again", Kristian Stanfill "say say", Luminate "hear our cry", Casting Crowns "Glorious Day", Chris Tomlin "where the Spirit of the Lord is", Ben Cantelon "saviour of the world", Adie "redemption song", Robbie Seay "let our faith be not alone", "Rend collective experiment "you bled", Keith and Kristin Getty "come people of the risen King", Starfield "the saving one", Chris Tomlin "awakening", Charlie Hall "king of heaven", Fee "rise and sing", Chris Tomlin "our God", Matt Redman "you alone can rescue", Fee "God is alive", Matt Maher "Christ is risen", Chris Tomlin "i will rise", Gungor "beautiful thing", Robbie Seay "kingdom and a king", Keith and Kristin Getty "resurrection hymn", Chris Macclarney "your love is everything", Fee "we crown you", Leeland "my Jesus", Matt Maher "remembrance", Fee "greatly to be praised", Matt Maher "shout of the king", Fee "glory to God forever", Leeland "Holy Spirit have your way", Tim Hughes "Jesus saves", Ben Cantelon "love came down", Unhindered "Father will you come", Matt Redman "this is how we know", DCB "shadows", Matt Redman "how great is your faithfulness", Christy Nockels "you are able".
My notes: "when we draw near then he draws near" (2003).

"wHEn i sEARcH foR yOUr fAcE"

When I search for your face Lord

can you still be found

when I look around for you

are you still around

I know that you are speaking Lord

I know I need to hear

I wonder if Iam taking the time

I know I need to draw near

These are precious times

these are different times

these are special times

spent with you

These are quiet times

these are secret times

when you teach me your will too

© 2003 john tang

1.Jo at uni's film3.Meloat uni4.Alison at uni 5.Alexi at Uni 6.Alison's uni in China7.Jo's theatre production 8.poster10.Jo's uni paper 11.our friend Stu at CBN 12.our friend, Jon's ministries13.Dalits in India14.Melo's placement at the Willam Lennox neurological centre15.Wayne's tour 16.GFA missionaries 17.Marie Curie Cancer Care18.nEw yOrK sKA jAzz enSEmbLe toUr dAtEs19.David Condos"Such WONDROUS light" 20.David Crowder-guitar hero 21.Sri-Lanka post tsunami. 22.Alison's published essay.23.Alexi at LLN Uni. 24.Jo's uni paper
Dernières nouvelles:voici une vidéo de Freedom church que Jo fréquente à Hereford freedom church
et une vidéo d'une pièce de théâtre par le groupe d'art dramatique de l'église freedom church drama
Johanan a commencé aux bureaux de la télévision et a rendu visite à l'église Freedom Church également. Rien de neuf à signaler pour Alison à Geneva et pour le boulot de Melody. Alexi a déjà réussi plusieurs tests, il reste le handball, le basket, le foot et la natation.
Le jukebox de "worship together" contient bcp de musique de louange et se trouve encore ;o)
avec Chris Mcclarney "your love never fails", tim Hughes "give us your courage", Worship central "because of your love", Christy Nockels "healing is in your hands", Brenton Brown "adoration", Leeland "follow you", Matt Maher "alive again", Kristian Stanfill "say say", Luminate "hear our cry", Casting Crowns "Glorious Day", Chris Tomlin "where the Spirit of the Lord is", Ben Cantelon "saviour of the world", Adie "redemption song", Robbie Seay "let our faith be not alone", "Rend collective experiment "you bled", Keith and Kristin Getty "come people of the risen King", Starfield "the saving one", Chris Tomlin "awakening", Charlie Hall "king of heaven", Fee "rise and sing", Chris Tomlin "our God", Matt Redman "you alone can rescue", Fee "God is alive", Matt Maher "Christ is risen", Chris Tomlin "i will rise", Gungor "beautiful thing", Robbie Seay "kingdom and a king", Keith and Kristin Getty "resurrection hymn", Chris Macclarney "your love is everything", Fee "we crown you", Leeland "my Jesus", Matt Maher "remembrance", Fee "greatly to be praised", Matt Maher "shout of the king", Fee "glory to God forever", Leeland "Holy Spirit have your way", Tim Hughes "Jesus saves", Ben Cantelon "love came down", Unhindered "Father will you come", Matt Redman "this is how we know", DCB "shadows", Matt Redman "how great is your faithfulness", Christy Nockels "you are able".
Mes notes: "quand nous nous rapprochons de lui il se rapproche de nous ..." (2003).

"qUAnD jE cHerChE tA fAcE"

quand je cherche ta face seigneur

seras-tu là

quand je regarde autour de moi

es-tu présent

je sais que tu me parles

je sais je dois écouter

je me demande si je prends le temps

je dois me rapprocher

ce sont des moments précieux

des temps différents

des moments spéciaux

passés avec toi

dans le calme

des instants secrets

quand tu dis ce que tu veux

© 2003 john tang

1.Jo à l'unif 2.Film de Jo3.Melo à l'unif4.Alison à l'unif 5.Alexi à l'unif 6.l'unif. d'Alis en Chine7.Pièce de Jo 8.POster de Jo10.Journal de Jo 11.notre ami Stu à CBN 12.notre ami Jon13.Dalits en Inde14.Stages de Melo au centre Willam Lennox 15.Tournée de Wayne 16.missionaires GFA 17.Fondation Marie Curie 18.nEw yOrK sKA jAzz enSEmbLe 19.David Condos"Such WONDROUS light" 20.David Crowder-guitar hero 21.Sri-Lanka post-tsunami. 22.Essai publié d'Alison.23.Alexi à l'unif.. 24.Journal de Jo


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