Sunday, July 11, 2010

news - nouvelles

Daily News Update
Mise à jour


Here are white racers I flew a few years ago ;o) white racer Johanan is flat-sharing next year and has moved in already whilst working on his dissertation at the same time. Alexi and Alison are both going to music festivals whilst Melody is still doing her temporary job during the summer.
Lightening hits through a rainbow as you can see lightening through rainbow here.

The world speed record is broken veyron veyron veyron here.

My notes: "no one else can give us real peace in every situation" (2003).

"yoU giVE mE peACe"

You give me peace

You give me peace in my life

You give me joy in every situation

Iam learning to praise you

You give me peace in the storm

you give me love when Iam hurt

you help me when Iam torn

and fill me with new birth

Iam learning to praise you

You open my eyes when Iam blind

you change my stubborn mind

you keep me in your heart

when I feel we're far apart

Iam learning to praise you

© 2003 john tang

1.Jo at uni's film3.Meloat uni4.Alison at uni 5.Alexi at Uni 6.Alison's uni in China7.Jo's theatre production 8.poster10.Jo's uni paper 11.our friend Stu at CBN 12.our friend, Jon's ministries13.Dalits in India14.Melo's placement at the Willam Lennox neurological centre15.Wayne's tour 16.GFA missionaries 17.Marie Curie Cancer Care18.nEw yOrK sKA jAzz enSEmbLe toUr dAtEs19.David Condos"Such WONDROUS light" 20.David Crowder-guitar hero 21.Sri-Lanka post tsunami. 22.Alison's published essay.23.Alexi at LLN Uni. 24.Jo's uni paper
Dernières nouvelles:


Voici des pigeons blancs je faisais voler il y a quelques années ;o) white racer Johanan a déménagé dans sa chambre pour l'année prochaine et continue à travailler sur son mémoire. Alexi et Alison vont visiter divers festivals de musique et Melody continue dans son travail temporaire.
L'éclair éclate à travers l'arc-en-ciel lightening through rainbow ici.

VOici le record du monde battu veyron veyron veyron ici.

My notes: "no one else can give us real peace in every situation" (2003).

"yoU giVE mE peACe"

You give me peace

You give me peace in my life

You give me joy in every situation

Iam learning to praise you

You give me peace in the storm

you give me love when Iam hurt

you help me when Iam torn

and fill me with new birth

Iam learning to praise you

You open my eyes when Iam blind

you change my stubborn mind

you keep me in your heart

when I feel we're far apart

Iam learning to praise you

© 2003 john tang

1.Jo à l'unif 2.Film de Jo3.Melo à l'unif4.Alison à l'unif 5.Alexi à l'unif 6.l'unif. d'Alis en Chine7.Pièce de Jo 8.POster de Jo10.Journal de Jo 11.notre ami Stu à CBN 12.notre ami Jon13.Dalits en Inde14.Stages de Melo au centre Willam Lennox 15.Tournée de Wayne 16.missionaires GFA 17.Fondation Marie Curie 18.nEw yOrK sKA jAzz enSEmbLe 19.David Condos"Such WONDROUS light" 20.David Crowder-guitar hero 21.Sri-Lanka post-tsunami. 22.Essai publié d'Alison.23.Alexi à l'unif.. 24.Journal de Jo


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