1st August 2007
Daily News Update 1 August 2007
Mise à jour 1 août 2007
Latest: Just got back from camp. In fact it is more like a youth conference and the only time they go outside is for sports etc. Thanks for your prayers it was very encouraging. From the third day till the final day (10 in all) it was clear the Spirit was working in a way I have rarely seen. I The first time the about 2/3 of the young people responded to lay down their burders they had been carrying. The next morning it was followed by an invitation to deal with anything that enslaves (cigarettes, drugs, drink, sexual sin, anorexia / bulimia etc). About the same number stayed at the front for over one and a half hours from the time I invited them to come forward. Following about 5 attempts to finish the meetings they were still in the front. This was followed over the next three or four days of over half coming forward for healing (valleys that needed to be lifted up and filled) also on being filled with the Spirit and spiritual warfare, especially in their home situations. I have rarely such an intense spirit. It seemed they "drank" whatever was laid before them. Just as the Spirit's work was visible so was satan's attempt to create problems. The last evening, there was a time of worship where I used "text-messages" together with open prayer. Several confessions (sexual sin and drugs). Thanks again for prayer. Continue to pray for the young people.
Prayer items and links: The Youth camp.
Dernières nouvelles: Nous venons de rentrer du camp des jeunes. En fait, ce n'est pas un camp sous tente. Il ressemble plutôt à une conférence pour jeunes dans un bâtiment très bien équipé. Les jeunes sortent surtout pour faire du sport. Merci pour vos prières. L'Esprit a agit puissammment avec une intensité que j'ai rarement vu. Deux tiers des personnes se sont avancés régulièrement lors des réunions (la cigarette, les drogues, l'alcool, le sexe, l'anorexie / la boulimie etc). Lors d'un appel les personnes devant ne voulaient plus quitter après une heure et demi de prière. Un temps de louange via les gsm (portables) nous a étonné. En effet, les "messages" envoyés par les jeunes sous forme de prière et de témoignage contenaient souvent l'une ou l'autre confession très bouleversante Merci encore pour vos prières. Veuillez prier pour les jeunes.
Sujets de prière et liens: Le camp de jeunes.
Mise à jour 1 août 2007
Latest: Just got back from camp. In fact it is more like a youth conference and the only time they go outside is for sports etc. Thanks for your prayers it was very encouraging. From the third day till the final day (10 in all) it was clear the Spirit was working in a way I have rarely seen. I The first time the about 2/3 of the young people responded to lay down their burders they had been carrying. The next morning it was followed by an invitation to deal with anything that enslaves (cigarettes, drugs, drink, sexual sin, anorexia / bulimia etc). About the same number stayed at the front for over one and a half hours from the time I invited them to come forward. Following about 5 attempts to finish the meetings they were still in the front. This was followed over the next three or four days of over half coming forward for healing (valleys that needed to be lifted up and filled) also on being filled with the Spirit and spiritual warfare, especially in their home situations. I have rarely such an intense spirit. It seemed they "drank" whatever was laid before them. Just as the Spirit's work was visible so was satan's attempt to create problems. The last evening, there was a time of worship where I used "text-messages" together with open prayer. Several confessions (sexual sin and drugs). Thanks again for prayer. Continue to pray for the young people.
Prayer items and links: The Youth camp.
Dernières nouvelles: Nous venons de rentrer du camp des jeunes. En fait, ce n'est pas un camp sous tente. Il ressemble plutôt à une conférence pour jeunes dans un bâtiment très bien équipé. Les jeunes sortent surtout pour faire du sport. Merci pour vos prières. L'Esprit a agit puissammment avec une intensité que j'ai rarement vu. Deux tiers des personnes se sont avancés régulièrement lors des réunions (la cigarette, les drogues, l'alcool, le sexe, l'anorexie / la boulimie etc). Lors d'un appel les personnes devant ne voulaient plus quitter après une heure et demi de prière. Un temps de louange via les gsm (portables) nous a étonné. En effet, les "messages" envoyés par les jeunes sous forme de prière et de témoignage contenaient souvent l'une ou l'autre confession très bouleversante Merci encore pour vos prières. Veuillez prier pour les jeunes.
Sujets de prière et liens: Le camp de jeunes.
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