Monday, December 13, 2010


Daily News Update
Mise à jour


"Mum's family" with a pic of (1) Prof. Lim Boon Ken, former president of the University of Amoy with an introduction in the catalogue (2) C.R.SAlisbury representing the British Council contributes (3) The Curator of The Raffles Museum, H.D. Collings, also contributes (4)(5) Several dignitaries are included on the list of patrons including:
-the Rt.Hon.Malcolm MacDonald
-the Consul General for China, Dr Mu Paak-Shing
-Mr Lim Hak Tai of the Nanking Academy of fine Art amongst others ... (5) An article from "The Strait Times" entitled "Chinese Art Treasures in Singapore". (6) More decorative designs by Prof. Lim. You can read the complete story by clicking on the image or the link ;o) mums family
mums family
mums family
mums family
mums family
mums family
mums family

I will be speaking at the italian church before coming over to England and sharing at the Berrymead church. The children will be over just for christmas before coming back to Belgium as Melody has to work at the hospital on the 27th. Mark, Trish and Nay visited us for a few days ! Johanan has been invited to contribute articles to the CBN christian TV site whilst still teaching english to master's degree students. Melody is getting to grips with her speech-therapy job in the neurological unit of the hospital and has been helping many families with paper-work ... Alison has begun uni lectures with Johanan and Alexi. Her bachelor of Arts degree from Geneva has officially been confirmed.

"Carman" "addicted to jesus" carman here
Bebe & Cece Winans"addicted to love" bebe cece winans here
"When I realise that Iam nothing without Jesus' love and that only when
I see my own worthlessness and pride can Jesus send me. (My footnotes 2002)."

"mELt mY cOLd hEArT"

Melt my cold heart

break all my pride

you're forever changed inside

love of Jesus flowing in

can't resist this compassion

it's been a long time since

I've felt so clean

when the Spirit He entered in

I will follow where he leads

for he will be my guide

and where he sends me I will go

he will be on my side I know

© 2002 john tang

1.Jo at uni's film3.Meloat uni4.Alison at uni 5.Alexi at Uni 6.Alison's uni in China7.Jo's theatre production 8.poster10.Jo's uni paper 11.our friend Stu at CBN 12.our friend, Jon's ministries13.Dalits in India14.Melo's placement at the Willam Lennox neurological centre15.Wayne's tour 16.GFA missionaries 17.Marie Curie Cancer Care18.nEw yOrK sKA jAzz enSEmbLe toUr dAtEs19.David Condos"Such WONDROUS light" 20.David Crowder-guitar hero 21.Sri-Lanka post tsunami. 22.Alison's published essay.23.Alexi at LLN Uni. 24.Jo's uni paper
Dernières nouvelles: "La famille de ma mère" avec (1) Prof. Lim Boon Ken, ancien président de l'Université d'Amoy qui rédige une introduction dans le catalogue de l'exposition (2) C.R.SAlisbury apporte une contribution représentant le "British Council" (3) Le conservateur du "Raffles Museum", H.D. Collings, apporte sa contribution (4)(5) Plusieurs dignitaires apportent leur patronage y compris :
- Rt.Hon.Malcolm MacDonald
-Le Consul-Général de Chine, Dr Mu Paak-Shing
-Mr Lim Hak Tai dE l'Académie des Beaux-Arts de Nanking entre autres ... (5) An article from "The Strait Times" entitled "Chinese Art Treasures in Singapore". (6) More decorative designs by Prof. Lim. You can read the complete story by clicking on the image or the link ;o) mums family
mums family
mums family
mums family
mums family
mums family
mums family

I will be speaking at the italian church before coming over to England and sharing at the Berrymead church. The children will be over just for christmas before coming back to Belgium as Melody has to work at the hospital on the 27th. Mark, Trish and Nay visited us for a few days ! Johanan has been invited to contribute articles to the CBN christian TV site whilst still teaching english to master's degree students. Melody is getting to grips with her speech-therapy job in the neurological unit of the hospital and has been helping many families with paper-work ... Alison has begun uni lectures with Johanan and Alexi. Her bachelor of Arts degree from Geneva has officially been confirmed.

"Carman" "addicted to jesus" carman ici
Bebe & Cece Winans"addicted to love" bebe cece winans ici
"Je réalise que Jésus ne peux rien faire avec un coeur orgueilleux et froid.
C'est quand je réalise que je ne suis rien sans l'amour de Jésus et quand
je constate mon état orgueilleux et inutile que Jesus peut m'envoyer (Mes notes 2002)."

"fAIs foNDrE mOn cOEuR fROiD"

Fais fondre mon coeur froid et brise tout mon orgueil

tu me changes toujours à l’intérieur

l’amour de Jésus qui coule en moi

je ne sais pas résister à cette compassion

cela fait si longtemps que je ne me suis pas senti si propre

quand l’Esprit est entré en moi

Je suivrai là où il me mène

car il sera toujours mon guide

et là où il m’envoie j’irai

il sera toujours à mes côtés je le sais

© 2002 john tang

1.Jo à l'unif 2.Film de Jo3.Melo à l'unif4.Alison à l'unif 5.Alexi à l'unif 6.l'unif. d'Alis en Chine7.Pièce de Jo 8.POster de Jo10.Journal de Jo 11.notre ami Stu à CBN 12.notre ami Jon13.Dalits en Inde14.Stages de Melo au centre Willam Lennox 15.Tournée de Wayne 16.missionaires GFA 17.Fondation Marie Curie 18.nEw yOrK sKA jAzz enSEmbLe 19.David Condos"Such WONDROUS light" 20.David Crowder-guitar hero 21.Sri-Lanka post-tsunami. 22.Essai publié d'Alison.23.Alexi à l'unif.. 24.Journal de Jo


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